Updates on the most recent activities and events will be posted here as soon as they become available.

RRVV 2023 Annual General Meeting

RRVV's Annual General Meeting was held on the 9th October 2023. Thank you to the members who attended.

You can click here for a copy of the President's Report, which was presented at the meeting. As we did not reach the required quorum for holding the AGM, the conducting of business had to be adjourned (as per our Constitution). The adjourned AGM was held on Monday 30th October 2023 at 10:30am via Zoom. A quorum was reached and the AGM was successfully concluded. The minutes for both of these meetings can be downloaded below. Please refer to the "About Us" tab to meet the elected RRVV committee.

3CR Radio interview with RRVV's Lawrie Robertson

Click here to listen to an interview with Lawrie Robertson on 3CRs Raise the Roof radio show, talking about living in a retirement village and the issues with the current laws, and what residents would like to see under a new Act.

Draft Bill to amend the Retirement Villages Act

The Government has released the draft Bill to amend the Retirement Villages Act.

To access the exposure draft of the Bill and supporting consultation guide, head to the Engage Victoria website at:

RRVV submitted a detailed section-by-section analysis of the draft on 28 April 2023. We have not yet had a response from the Government.

Committee Meetings

RRVV Committee Meetings will be held on 12 July, 9 August, 13 September, 11 October, 8 November and 13 December. If you are interested in joining the RRVV Committee, contact our office to attend one of these meetings as a guest.

RRVV Newsletter

The Quarterly RRVV Newsletter is published in March, June, September and December. We encourage members to submit suggestions for articles.

The RRVV Committee is working on the following initiatives and providing the following updates to support village residents.

Service Fees and the CPI

Calculating your adjusted maintenance charge using the year to 30 June 2023 CPI increase

2023 AGM Report

President's report to the RRVV 2023 Annual General Meeting

2023 Resumed AGM Minutes

(30 Oct 2023)

Minutes for the RRVV 2023 Resumed Annual General Meeting

2023 AGM Minutes

(9 Oct 2023)

Minutes for the RRVV 2023 Annual General Meeting

2022 AGM Report

President's report to the RRVV 2022 Annual General Meeting

2022 AGM Minutes

Minutes for the RRVV 2022 Annual General Meeting

Retirement Villages Act review

RRVV response to the Review of the Retirement Villages Act Options Paper